About TermIt

TermIt is a system for management of terms and vocabularies and their interconnection to legislation (or other documents) and other vocabularies.

Motivation to create such a system originates in a need to describe terms used by different groups of experts to make them understand each other without a need to learn new terminology. Without being an ontology expert, it was impossible to achieve the aforementioned goal. The tool helps domain experts to create ontological glossaries and interconnect their terms to other vocabularies.


TermIt is an open-source project. The core version is developed on GitHub. For specific customers were created few specific versions. TermIt is already running in following deployments:

Deployment on IPR

TermIt deployment on IPR

TermIt runs on Institute of Planning and Development of Prague (IPR) since 2021. TermIt was originally created in the project OPPPR and IPR tested its usability – to describe Metropolitan plan and help to relate it to the legislation. Nowadays, TermIt serves for systemization of terminology in other projects, e.g. Uniform Interchangeable Format of the Digital Technical Map (JVF DTM) and Building Intelligence Model (BIM).

See TermIt on IPR

Deployment in KODI

TermIt deployment in KODI

Ministry of interior of the Czech Republic incorporated TermIt as a part of the production line for creation of open data, including proper documentation. TermIt serves as a tool for creation of legislation glossaries. They are used to annotate data sets and create interlinks between legislation. Content of this deployment is not yet publicly accessible.

Install and try core version. Feel free to contact us, if there is something missing, or report issue in this repository. TermIt is partly modular system and we can deploy it specifically for Your needs.

Live demo

Live demo

Live demo

Users may try live demo of system TermIt with limited permissions to browse vocabularies and terms, e.g. Metropolitan plan, Building laws of the Czech Republic and New Zealand and others.

Try live demo


Do You want to contribute? Feel free to fork the respective repository: